すぐデン 消費税・割引価格が簡単に計算できる無料電卓アプリ

by Takeshi Marushima



It can immediately be cumbersome calculations in shopping in Calculator app!nTax price of consumption tax, SALE discount price this one it is seen to easy!

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----------都合により、本アプリの更新ができなくなりました。今後は「すぐデン+(プラス)」として装いを新たにし、更新を続けていきます。「すぐデン+(プラス)」では、要望頂いていた、消費税計算の設定変更画面を早速追加致しました。今後も改善を図っていきます。お手数をおかけいたしますが、「すぐデン+(プラス)」のインストールを宜しくお願い致します。----------すぐに出来ちゃう電卓アプリ!すぐデン!!★こんな時に消費税8%の計算って面倒ですよね。「消費税8%をいれるといくらだっけ?」「SALEで15%割引って、いくらになるの?」「買い物の度に暗算したり、電卓を出すのは面倒!!」「いつもの計算をサクッと簡単に済ませたい!!」そんな時にお役立ち!このアプリなら、税抜価格を入れて+8%ボタンを押すだけ!%OFFボタンを押せば、セールの時の割引価格もすぐにわかっちゃう!★主な機能● 消費税の税込価格の計算● 割引価格の計算★今後追加予定の機能● 消費税10%時の税込価格の計算● ユーザーオリジナルの計算ボタンの登録★注意*消費税の計算は、小数点第一位で四捨五入しています。*実際の消費税計算は、切り捨て・切り上げ・四捨五入等があります。*そのため、実際の金額と異なる場合がありますのでご注意下さい。----------By circumstances, can no longer update of this app.In the future "immediately Den + (plus)" the new attire as , we will continue to update. "immediately Den + (plus)" In , our demand which was, the we immediately added setting change screen of the consumption tax calculation.We will strive to improve in the future.We apologize for the fingers, "immediately Den + (plus) " thank you for installation of . ---------- immediately power that would be able to table app! immediately Den! ! ★ at a time like this But it is troublesome I consumption tax 8% of the calculation."Remember me much and put the 8% sales tax?""SALE 15% discount, to become much?""Or mental arithmetic to shopping of time, hassle !! issue a calculator.""!! You want to finish the usual calculation easy and crispy"Help you at such time!If this app, simply press the put the tax price + 8% button!% If you press the OFF button, also discounted price at the time of the sale would know soon! ★ main function ● calculation of the tax-inclusive price of consumption tax● discount price calculation ★ function of additional upcoming ● calculation of the tax-inclusive price of when consumption tax 10%● User original registration of the calculation button ★ Note * Calculation of the consumption tax, have been rounded to the nearest first decimal place.* Actual consumption tax calculation, there is a truncated, rounded up, rounded off, and the like.* For this reason, it may be different from the actual amount of money Please note.